Hey you,
As I sit here in the relative calm of Christmas Eve, I wanted to take a moment to connect with you—wherever you are and however you’re celebrating - or not celebrating.
This season of festivities can be can be a time of contradictions and conflicting wants and needs: filled with joy and gratitude but also tugged along by pressure, giving in to reflection, and even nostalgia for the years gone by. Christmases past can be with us as we move through this one for sure.
We want perfection. We want to relax.
For creative women like us, it’s easy to feel the weight of ‘doing it all’ and creating the magic and the calm, while yearning for the space to simply be.
Today, if you get the chance, I invite you to pause and embrace the small, quiet magic of this moment in time.
Perhaps you can close the door on other people for a while. Light a candle, pour a cup of tea or something stronger and reflect on what gifts you have given and received this year—not the kind of gifts under the tree, but those of creativity, kindness, encouragement, resilience, growth and courage.
Think of the moments when you allowed your intuition to guide you and how you created something meaningful for yourself or others. Those moments are worth remembering, as nothing is as important as hearing and being guided by your own voice and knowledge of what feels right for you.
This time of year reminds us that even in the darkest nights, the smallest spark—whether it’s a star in the sky, a shower of sparks from a falling log, a glimmer of an idea, or a bright word shared with a friend, can illuminate everything. Make things feel special, magical almost.
If this year has felt hard, it doesn’t follow that the next one will, so pause and give yourself the reassurance that good things can come to you, and easily. And they will again. And that in the meantime you have the skills and panache to keep going anyway!
Here are two points to ponder and perhaps journal on now or in the holidays:
What has brought you the most joy and meaning this year?
What creative projects or ideas feel ready to bloom in the months ahead?
Finally, remember that creativity isn’t always about making something or even about the work that you do in the world; it’s about how you show up, the ways in which you connect with others, and how you honour and value your inner spark. How you navigate yourself through life well is a creative art in itself!
This season, give yourself the gift of noticing beauty, delight, and wonder in even the simplest things, for no other reason than it is wonderful to do so and that things to be grateful for are everywhere that we look, truly.
Revel in every simple pleasure that the next few days grants you and store them up inside like a secret energy source for the year ahead.
Wishing you a peaceful Christmas,
With love,
Merry 🌟Christmas !