Hello lovelies!
I was doing some quarterly goal setting stuff with my group coaching programme today and it got me thinking afterwards, how even when we set a goal, or make a plan to do with our business, it doesn’t mean we will always follow through - and one of the reasons is this;
People don’t stay in their lane.
It’s so easy, seductive even, to take yourself off track via the wonders of social media, the internet generally, look at what everyone else is up to - and then to wonder if you should be doing the same.
Perhaps also, you’ve told yourself the story that you must keep abreast of what’s going on with your ‘competitors’ and the wider industry that you are in, etc. etc.
And of course we creative types love a new idea and a shiny object 🙋🏼♀️ 💎 💖
But here’s the thing, no goal and plan is more destined to fail than the one where the person who should be steering it has got distracted by what other people are doing or the latest bit of newness.
It’s not general the goal or the action plan that’s at fault, it’s user error :)
So stay in your lane.
Don’t be tempted off your course by external opinions and other people’s goals and plans.
Create exciting, doable, stretchy goals that are YOURS and aligned with YOUR purpose and STICK. TO. THEM.
Things that might help you:
Limit your time online generally. This is the land of comparison and other people. You know it kills creativity and now you know it kills goals! Eek! Put the phone down, install internet blockers, whatever it takes.
Unfollow people who make you feel jealous, hopeless, confused
Have a fortnightly (or even less often frankly) check in with your competitors if you really really must. (But in between times, pay attention to how NICE it is to not know what any of them are doing!)
Get your community and vibe and support from other people who you know and who are real and honest and who you are not in competition with. Network with other creatives, join co-working groups and spaces, join my group coaching programme (just two spaces available at the moment!)
Spend more time DOING stuff, creating, working on your goals, being playful, learning new things that WILL help you achieve your goals.
Focus on your goals. Read them, keep records of what you are doing, connect with the lovely feeling in your body that you get when you imagine what it will be like to achieve them, reward yourself when you do.
Believe in yourself more, not in other people. Play with the idea that YOU are also an inspiring, creative, brilliant person. Again, if this feels hard join my group coaching programme and I’ll have you thinking you’re amazing pretty damn quick.
Hope this helps and if you hadn’t had a monday pep talk yet… there you go.
With love,
Thanks 🌸 bumpy road at times but levelling out. Enjoying everything even though I’m quiet.
Thank you Sarah for this perfectly timed pep talk. And now I’ll get on back in my lane.