Hey you,
I did the following exercise with my group coaching programme this morning and they really found it useful, so here’s a quick written version for you to try too.
You may well have come across the wheel of life, it’s a well worn coaching tool and something that is often used in an onboarding session as a way of client and coach assessing where they are.
We used it today as an introduction to thinking about our goals by assessing where we are.
The group coaching participants are working with me and each other on their creative and business goals, and the wheel of life deals with the whole life - so why would I use this tool?
Because we are whole people. If things are off in other life areas (health, family, money, friendships etc) that will affect our work and our ability to show us as creative and resourceful.
So this is what we did:
We completed the wheel, giving ourselves a mark from 0-10 for each section.
We chatted about these scores as a group - you could perhaps journal on any that feel like something you might want to explore, explain why you have scored it that way, how it make you feel, what ideas it brings up for you.
The group were challenged to think of three actions that they could take to improve the score that they had given themselves on each section.
For example, I gave my health a 6/10. I then decided that I could improve this by
1. Reducing my intake of sugar
2. Sticking to a 9.45pm bedtime and
3. Adding in more plant based meals per week - aiming for 10 plant meals per week.
Next week in our group session we will see if some of these can be integrated into our habit tracker for February, if we want to create a 30 day challenge around one of them and/ or which of them fit into our wider goal setting.
If you think that being in a group coaching programme could help you to stay on track in set and achieving goals and you would welcome the opportunity to be in the fabulous company of wonderful creative women, then let’s talk.
The programme includes:
A weekly group coaching session every Monday at 9.30am UK time
Quarterly foal setting focus
Weekly co-working (often two but always one session per week)
Whatsapp group
1:1 coaching with me via laser coaching sessions of 15 mins or DM/ messages as and when needed
Current members include: Jo - Designer/ Make of acrylic art jewellery, Jessica - textile artist, Heather - branding consultant, Fiona - art therapist, Karen - interior designer and Jacqui - interior designer and illustrator. Previous members have been silversmiths, holistic therapists, yoga teacher, kinesiologist and coaches…
It’s £99 per month with an initial commitment of 3 months. If you want it. come and get it! Three spaces currently available.
Send me an email to sarah@sarahraad.com if you are interested in joining or book a discover call with me via the button below:
I also offer 1:1 coaching - the above button also applies for queries about that.
Have a great week!
With love,
Sounds great. Thank you 😊