“I call Sarah my unlocksmith, because she is unlocking a lot for me and the unhelpful stories I have been telling myself…just being able to realise that not being creative effects my feelings of self worth has really turned me around”.
Thank you 😊 This is magic to my ears. I am sick of trying to fit into a mold that doesn’t feel right. There is so much pressure to be productive and push, despite my instincts and intuition telling me to pause. I’m starting this year super slow, without guilt. I love your insights here. ❤️
Thank you 😊 This is magic to my ears. I am sick of trying to fit into a mold that doesn’t feel right. There is so much pressure to be productive and push, despite my instincts and intuition telling me to pause. I’m starting this year super slow, without guilt. I love your insights here. ❤️
Always start with how you want things to be and adjust from there I say!