Ah yes. You are right. We are twins.

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If you really knew me, you know that I love engaging in rich, deep, juicy conversations with family and friends. To balance this, I create cozy nests in my hideaway to replenish, nourish and align my energy. I love exploring and hiking, yet spending time on a rainy day snuggled under blankets with a book is divine.

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I mean I feel like you could have been describing me here so I’m not sure what I can possibly add! Maybe that I’m a hopeful pessimist. I am usually pessimistic but I’m hopeful that it’s a good way of managing expectations. This way, I feel I’m more often getting exactly what I expect and sometimes better. It’s a twisted sort of logic I suppose.

Ps. Thank you so much for the recommendation! Yours is one of the first Substacks I started reading and I really enjoy it, so it’s particularly exciting for me. ☺️

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another twin! Yes I know what you mean here, I am an optimist but it;'s tempered with a sense that that's not always enough, or it's not a guarantee anyway. I wonder if you could try with an optimistic intention and then add 'or whatever the universe decides" at the end of it? and thank YOU for recommending me! you have brought 19 lovely souls to my work for far and are already 9th on my leaderboard!

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Interesting, I shall have to give it a whirl. That’s great news, I’m glad!

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If you really knew me you'd know I chain read books, and have done since I was about 6, can't bear to not have one on the go!

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