I usually find I need this more on a Tuesday for some reason, so I'm saving this to come back to tomorrow morning haha. I actually downloaded the "Forest" app last week and it works off the pomodoro principle, highly recommend for the faffing moments!

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Oh, I love growing little trees in my Forest - no one wants to kill a tree after all :)

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That’s not you procrastinating is it? ;)

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I'm in a coffee shop today so naturally I'm way more productive haha ;)

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Sarah Raad

So true, it's just avoiding uncomfortable emotions!

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Thanks for the inspiration. I jotted these suggestions into my daily planner. I was just journaling about my lack of organizational skills for getting things done. I tend to stay in dreaming and lost making. It’s getting the tasks done which is a bigger challenge. I’ll give it a shot. 👍

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Ask yourself what you are avoiding and then what you are sacrificing

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Love these tips. I am so good at writing a to do list but bloody terrible at prioritising. I have a bad habit of picking things I want to do and avoid the urgent and important (I blame the adhd). I’m going to try your tips and hope I can focus on the right things xx

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