Gather & Grow
Voice Notes from Sarah
Distractions – and what they are costing you

Distractions – and what they are costing you


I was listening to a podcast recently, where they made the point that the opposite of distraction was not focus as we would probably all have answered if we were asked, but TRACTION. Of COURSE it is.

Traction is the ability to stick to things and move forwards, and that’s what we all need to make progress with our plans and goals; to get stuff done, to fulfil our purpose.

But we do live in ‘an age of distraction’ - and maybe it’s not all social media related or digitally related?

Listen in to hear my thoughts about some of the ways in which we distract ourselves…

I’d love to know if you recognise yourself in this and if there are other things that you feel distract you from your purpose and goals.

With love,

Sarah x

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Gather & Grow
Voice Notes from Sarah
Journeying through running and growing a small creative coaching business, glimpses into my life behind the scenes, things I'm finding hard, things I am finding easy and everything in between.