Gather & Grow
Voice Notes from Sarah
Miracles & burnout

Miracles & burnout

The ruthless pursuit of a hopeful mindset and a calm life


Today’s episode is a wee mix up - a continuation of my thoughts on the power and importance of miraculous thinking from yesterday’s article about it and also some thoughts on the causes of burnout prompted by a post from a fellow Substacker,

who shares very generously about her own experience of burnout in her work on the platform.

I think in a way the two are interlinked. My real passion and purpose is helping women to do brilliant things; and you can’t do that if you’re mired in negativity and limiting beliefs or are experiencing overwhelm and burnout.

If you want to keep your mind, body and soul well, you owe it to yourself to ruthlessly focus on both keeping a positive, hopeful mindset and steering away from overwhelm. That’s why I am talking about this today.

The post from

which prompted my thinking about burnout is HERE. Please go read it and read the comments too which are so insightful.

If you’d like to book a discovery session with me to talk about how coaching can get you on the road to mindset shift and further brilliance in your work and your life click HERE.

Love you!

Sarah x

Gather & Grow
Voice Notes from Sarah
Journeying through running and growing a small creative coaching business, glimpses into my life behind the scenes, things I'm finding hard, things I am finding easy and everything in between.